Thanks Romans

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I was told the most encouraging thing today.
I keep the verse of the day on my iGoogle page and this morning it was Romans've heard it a million times. I think I probably quote it to myself everyday, but today I saw something I hadn't seen before. It says:
"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

ok. so...I'm often told how stupid i am for continuing to hope in an absolutely hopeless situation. (They don't actually call me friends are much nicer than that...but I get what the silent shrug means, "i think you should just put it behind you and move on. Enough is enough, it's not worth your effort." or something like that. I've probably even given them the same shrug before.)

But do you see the little nod that Romans gave me today? We suffer and that produces perseverance and then the perseverance turns into character...and then...when you've got get hope. The hope comes from the character. So perhaps the fact that I have the capacity to remain hopeful in this situation actually means that I am a woman of character?

I hope so. ;-) (chuckle)


Steve said...

You are a beautiful woman of character. Keep hoping!